Monday, 20 June 2011

High Peakers sign-up to save Corbar

Latest news from the campaign...


High Peakers sign-up to save Corbar

The campaign to save Corbar Birth Centre in Buxton from closure by Derbyshire Primary Care Trust (PCT) gained more than 1730 supporters on Saturday (June 18th).

More than a thousand people in the region signed the petition to maintain the service that allows expectant mothers the choice of delivering their baby at a midwife-lead unit in Derbyshire. If Corbar closes, low-risk women in labour would have no option than to deliver their babies at maternity units in hospitals in Greater Manchester or Cheshire.

Campaigners from Save Corbar Birth Centre (SCBC), which has the backing of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT), High Peak MP Andrew Bingham and more than six local councillors from the area, were in the towns and villages in the area to make people aware of the proposed cuts to maternity services in their county.

In just 6 hours, 1738 people had signed SCBC’s petition to stop Derbyshire PCT from shutting down Corbar and jeopardising the antenatal and postnatal care of mothers and newborn babies in the High Peak.

In Buxton an overwhelming 940 signatures were collected from SCBC and campaign supporters; High Peak MP Andrew Bingham, Buxton Councillor Pam Reddy, and former mayor of High Peak Borough Council, Robin Baldry.

The additional signatures were collected from New Mills (277), Whaley Bridge (247) and Glossop (274).

Fiona Lichfield, from SCBC said the response from people asked to sign the petition was very positive. “It’s apparent from our petition signing on Saturday that people living in the High Peak want to save Corbar not just for its strategic location, more importantly, to keep the centre’s midwives here. We heard countless stories of Corbar’s midwives going above the call of duty to care for women and babies from the area. It was a very heart warming experience.”

She added: “On behalf of SCBC, I’d like to thank everyone who signed-up to our campaign to keep Corbar Birth Centre alive. Saturday’s support shows that we have the backing of the High Peak.

Copies of the petition to sign are available as shops and offices across the High Peak. For more information, email

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Notes to editors:
To speak to a representative from Save Corbar, please contact Fiona Lichfield at or phone 07795431627

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